
Please find below past and current webinars.

Commissioning and managing agriculture inventory research projects

Commissioning and managing agriculture inventory research projects

A recording of the third session of the Inventories and NDC (I&NDC) Network 2022 Webinar Series titled “Commissioning and managing agriculture inventory research projects” is now available to view.

It is crucial to effectively determine research priorities when resources for research are limited. Developing multilateral research projects and working with international research organisations facilitates collaboration across countries with similar production systems and agricultural circumstances.

In the first part of the session, we heard from experts on the process of designing research to meet inventory needs and ensuring new research results in inventory improvements. In the discussion, we considered multinational research prioritisation: timing, scaling and developing research projects with higher global relevance.

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National agriculture inventory data collection and management

National agriculture inventory data collection and management

The second session of the Inventories and NDC (I&NDC) Network 2022 Webinar Series titled “National agriculture inventory data collection and management” was held on 14 June 2022.

Policies for agriculture mitigation strategies, as we discussed in the first webinar of the I&NDC Network series, are shaped by accurate national agriculture emissions estimates. However, estimates are only as good as the data that underpin them. National activity data collection and its management is a universal challenge for compilers from Annex I and non-Annex II countries alike.

The aim of this webinar was to increase awareness on overcoming a lack of good quality data, and on setting up data management frameworks to support increasing emissions reporting from Tier 1 to Tier 2 levels.

The session brought together expert speakers whose work focuses on improving agriculture inventory activity data related issues.

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The policy relevance of national GHG inventories in guiding mitigation for agriculture

The policy relevance of national GHG inventories in guiding mitigation for agriculture

The first session of the Inventories and NDC (I&NDC) Network 2022 Webinar Series titled “The policy relevance of national GHG inventories in guiding mitigation for agriculture” was held on 24 May 2022.

This webinar brought together leading experts and industry stakeholders to discuss the relevance of national agriculture inventories in guiding policy decisions and questions including:

  • Why are agriculture GHG inventories so crucial for policy decisions?
  • How can industry organisations and the inventory work together?
  • What is the relationship between climate finance, research, and national agriculture inventories?

Listen to the speakers discuss the political dimension of inventories in the context of decisions on agriculture emission mitigation policies, determination of national emission targets, sector goals for voluntary or mandated emission targets and more.

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I&NDC Network Meeting, June 2021 (2 of 2)

I&NDC Network Meeting, June 2021 (2 of 2)

On the 2nd and 3rd June 2021 the Inventories and Nationally Determined Contributions Network held two virtual meetings. The purpose of the meetings was to increase the visibility of international collaborative efforts with presentations by international research partners on inventory research and capability building initiatives, followed by a facilitated discussion.

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I&NDC Network Meeting, June 2021 (1 of 2)

I&NDC Network Meeting, June 2021 (1 of 2)

On the 2nd and 3rd June 2021 the Inventories and Nationally Determined Contributions Network held two virtual meetings. The purpose of the meetings was to increase the visibility of international collaborative efforts with presentations by international research partners on inventory research and capability building initiatives, followed by a facilitated discussion.

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