Title: Agricultural Inventory capability Building Programme - Fiji
Funded by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), New Zealand
Delivered by: NZAGRC
This project aims to strengthen Fiji’s abilities to identify, plan and implement agricultural measures in line with Fiji’s NDC targets. The project will include: development of a Tier 2 inventory for non-dairy cattle and goat enteric fermentation and swine and poultry manure management; identification of priorities and options for continuous improvement of their national GHG inventory.
Organisations receiving support: Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Agriculture, Fijian Bureau of Statistics, University of the South Pacific, Fiji National University
Dates: Ongoing (2024 - 2025)
Project focus areas: Reporting, Foundation of GHG Inventories (includes capability building in institutional arrangements, cross cutting issues, use of IPCC guidelines), Data collection/improvement.
Title: Supporting greenhouse gas inventories and livestock data development in Fiji
Funded by: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
Delivered by: Riverine Plains, Queensland University of Technology, Agriculture Victoria
This project aims to co-develop a Tier 2 Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system for livestock in Fiji and to build a pathway to integrate GHG mitigation from livestock into Fiji’s NDC. The project will also build Fiji’s capacity to continue to improve the national inventory and support policy development into the future. The project will include: development of a Tier 2 inventory for dairy cattle; build research capacity in measurement of methane from cattle; and develop a country specific emission factor for enteric fermentation from cattle.
Organisations receiving support: Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Agriculture, Fijian Bureau of Statistics, University of the South Pacific, Fiji National University.
Dates: Ongoing (2024 - 2026)
Project focus areas: Reporting, Foundation of GHG Inventories (includes capability building in institutional arrangements, cross cutting issues, use of IPCC guidelines), Research & Development (includes developing country specific emission factors), Data collection/improvement.