

Title: Strengthening capacity in the agriculture, land-use and other sectors for monitoring and reporting on Afghanistan's mitigation and adaptation targets

Implemented by: FAO

By 2023, Afghanistan has: 1) developed a national monitoring and reporting system for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the agriculture, forestry and land-use sectors; and 2) is able to track, monitor and report on mitigation and adaptation outputs and outcomes in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).

The Global Support Programme (GSP) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Environment Agency of Austria organize a virtual training to build the capacities of climate experts of Afghanistan on applying IPCC 2006 guideline and software for Energy, Transport and AFOLU sectors from 1 to 3 February 2021. This training comes to respond to the requests by Afghanistan and training will include series of webinars on IPCC software and interactive exercises to help understanding the application of the software.

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