Dr. Andrea Pickering
NZ Agricultural GHG Inventory Capability Building Programme Lead, NZAGRC
The Inventories and Nationally Determined Contributions (I&NDC) Network aims to improve the quality of national greenhouse gas inventories and agricultural NDC’s, through effective communication of relevant information and training opportunities, and by better connecting governments and decision makers to the relevant experts.
The I&NDC Network operates virtually and is facilitated by four Co-Leads. The Network delivers correspondence to members through the quarterly ‘Who’s Counting’ Newsletter, as well as directly through email on more time sensitive matters. It also provides a platform for discussion and training through organising and providing information on webinars and meetings.
The I&NDC Network sits under the Integrated Research Group (IRG), one of the four Research Groups that the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) oversees. The IRG is focused on fostering collaboration across all Research Groups to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving the overall production efficiency within agricultural systems.
Visit Global Research AllianceI&NDC Network is a global network with over 450 members across 130 countries.
This collaboration aims to make technical agricultural inventory expertise accessible, shared, and informative for inventory development and setting of ambitious NDC’s which include agricultural actions.
Membership is free, and we welcome anyone who has an interest in agricultural GHG inventories and NDC’s to become part of our growing Network.
NZ Agricultural GHG Inventory Capability Building Programme Lead, NZAGRC
Andrea has a PhD in Plant Physiology and works for the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre. She was the Agricultural sector lead for the New Zealand National Inventory Report from 2009 to 2012, and then managed New Zealand’s activities in the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases. She has written the GRA e-learning foundation courses on Climate Changes Science, International reporting obligations and the science behind agricultural GHG Inventories and is currently leading New Zealand’s Agricultural capability building programme. She is certified as a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) expert reviewer for national agricultural GHG inventories. She is currently on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Emission Factor Database (EFDB) Editorial Board.
Professor in Sustainable Tropical Agriculture, UM6P
Dr Chirinda is a Professor of Sustainable Tropical Agriculture at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. He works on evaluating technological and management options that support climate action in agriculture. He was a Lead Author on the 2019 Refinement to the IPCC’s 2006 guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventory methodologies and Coordinating Lead Author of the Africa Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change Report. Dr Chirinda is the Climate Change Mitigation Panel Member for the independent Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), a member of the United Kingdom Research and Innovation International Development Peer Review College, a member of the Expert panel of livestock methane and a member of the editorial board of Nature Scientific Report, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems and the SOIL journal.
Principal Consultant (Livestock), Integrity Ag
Natalie is a Research Scientist and has over 15 years research experience addressing climate change issues in the agricultural industry. Her expertise is around mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, calculating the carbon balance of farms and working towards carbon neutral farming, with a particular focus on livestock systems. Working with a wide range of computer simulation models, she has explored farm production issues around climate, economic outcomes and the carbon sequestration potential for various farming systems.
Associate Professor, Environmental Modeling and Climate Change
Associate Professor. Dr. Mai Van Trinh is Director General of Institute for Agricultural Environment (IAE), Viet Nam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam. He has a Bachelor of Soil Science, Master of Environmental System Analysis and Monitoring, PhD in Resource Conservation and Production Ecology and now is Associate Professor of Environmental Modeling and Climate change. He has 5 years working on agricultural Extension, 13 years of working on Soil conservation and 16 years of Environmental Modelling and climate change. He has been working on: pollutant transport simulation & mapping; crop modelling; GHG Inventory; Developing Mitigation and Adaptation measures; INDC; NDC; green grow strategy; and MRV for agriculture sector on 8 agro-ecosystems and number of provinces in Viet Nam. He is now leading the team of MRV for a projẹct of one million hectares of high quality and low emission rice associated to green grow development in the Mekong River Delta in Vietnam. He is also a lecturer of Environmental Modelling and Climate change at Ha Noi University of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Sciences, Thai Nguyen University and National Agricultural University.
Co-lead Support
Fellow, Academy of International Affairs (AIA NRW), Germany
Samuel has a Ph.D. in Environmental Science, specialising in environmental policy and low-carbon development. He focuses on agricultural GHG estimation and mitigation for livestock and cropping systems. Samuel also works on climate policy, with a focus on the EU Green Deal and the EU partnership with Africa in agriculture trade, sustainable agriculture, and green technologies. Samuel has received major honours and awards, including the Alexander Von Humboldt Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation in Germany. He is a listed mitigation expert on the UNFCCC Roster of Experts supporting inventory compilation for developing countries.
Co-lead Support
Senior Inventory Development Analyst, NZAGRC
Ben is a Senior Analyst with New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and is currently on secondment to the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre. He has an honours degree in Forestry Science and worked on regulatory and sustainability policy related to the forestry sector before moving into MPI’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory team. He has worked as the Agriculture Sector lead for the past National Inventory Report submissions and is certified as a UNFCCC expert reviewer for national GHG inventories (Agriculture), National Communications and Biennial Transparency Reports.