Tools & Applications

Below are some tools and applications that are relevant to agricultural greenhouse gas inventories and NDCs. We are currently in the process of populating this page, therefore please share any tools or applications that you would like to see on this page.

Climate Watch – Explore Nationally Determined Contributions
Tools & Applications

Climate Watch – Explore Nationally Determined Contributions

Under the Paris Agreement, nearly every nation made a commitment to tackle climate change and strengthen their efforts over time. The last round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) were submitted in 2020-2021 whereas the deadline to submit the next round of NDCs is in the spring of 2025. Explore the content of 2020-2021 NDCs by searching for relevant keywords. You can analyse and compare NDCs using over 150 structured indicators.

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Tools & Applications


FAOSTAT provides free access to food and agriculture data (including crop, livestock and forestry sub-sectors) for over 245 countries and territories, covering all FAO regional groupings from 1961 to the most recent year available. The platform covers a wide range of data, including agricultural production, trade, food security, prices, and sustainability indicators.


The database is updated regularly to ensure the availability of the most current data. Additionally, FAOSTAT offers tools for data visualisation and analysis, making it easier for users to interpret complex datasets and derive actionable insights.

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NDC 3.0 Navigator
Tools & Applications

NDC 3.0 Navigator

The NDC 3.0 Navigator is an interactive tool that supports the development of NDCs to be submitted in 2025. It helps countries raise ambition and accelerate implementation of the next round of NDCs (NDCs 3.0).

The NDC 3.0 Navigator seeks to support and inspire country NDC teams, their experts, and partners, bringing together knowledge and support in a series of Routes to Ambitious and Implementable NDCs, which:

  • Provide examples of Opportunities to consider when developing NDCs 3.0
  • Highlight some of the Strategies that could enable each Opportunity
  • Identify the connecting Routes and Opportunities
  • Showcase country Case Studies
  • Provide links to further Resources


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IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB)
Tools & Applications

IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB)

The IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) is a library of emission factors (EFs) and parameters that can be used for estimation of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions/removals. The database contains default data from the IPCC Guidelines and data from other sources (e.g., peer-reviewed papers) with background information or technical references.

The EFDB is free to access and was developed based on the following needs:

  • Quality of GHG inventories depends on reliable EFs and activity data;
  • EFs that reflect national circumstances should be used in inventory compilation;
  • Developing of national EFs is costly, time consuming, and requires much expertise;
  • By sharing data/information EFs can be obtained cost-effectively; and
  • An easily accessible public EFDB would help improve the quality of national GHG inventories and facilitate data sharing by inventory compilers, experts, and scientists worldwide.

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Agriculture and Land Use Greenhouse Gas Inventory (ALU) Software
Tools & Applications

Agriculture and Land Use Greenhouse Gas Inventory (ALU) Software

The Agriculture and Land Use Greenhouse Gas Inventory (ALU) Software guides an inventory compiler through the process of estimating greenhouse gas emissions and removals related to agricultural and forestry activities. This software is based on the methods in the IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidelines.


The software simplifies the process of conducting the inventory by dividing the inventory analysis into steps to facilitate the compilation of activity data, assignment of emission factors and completion of the calculations.  The software also has internal checks to ensure data integrity.


The software has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Colorado State University.

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IPCC Inventory Software
Tools & Applications

IPCC Inventory Software

The purpose of this software is to implement Tier1, Tier2 and Tier 3 methodologies in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for the preparation of national GHG inventories according to 2006 IPCC Guidelines either for complete inventories or for separate categories or groups of categories.


The primary target groups of users are inventory compilers who wish to apply default 2006 IPCC Guidelines methods, trainers, and trainees on national GHG inventory compilation, and Parties not included in Annex I of the Convention having limited resources without their own inventory systems.

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