The Training Programme for reviewers of the biennial transparency reports aims to familiarise experts with the essential reporting elements and requirements of the ETF as well as the tools available to help them prepare for the TER.

To participate in the TER process, experts must be nominated to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts by their national focal point or intergovernmental organisation, complete the relevant training programme and successfully pass examinations before they can be invited to participate in a review.

The TER training programme consists of 4 courses:
- Course A: General and cross cutting aspects for the technical expert review under the ETF under the Paris Agreement;
- Course B: Technical review of national inventory reports of anthropogenic emissions by source and removals by sinks of GHGs;
- Course C: Technical review of the information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs; and
- Course D: Technical review of the information on financial, technology development and transfer and capacity building support provided for developing countries.

The exam period for 2024 is as follows:
Course A:
- Jan 29 - Feb 11
- Mar 25 – Apr 7
- Jun 24 – Jul 7
- Sep 9 – Sep 22
- Dec 2 – Dec 15

Course B:
- Mar 25 – Apr 7
- Jun 24 – Jul 7
- Sep 9 – Sep 22
- Dec 2 – Dec 15

Course C:
- Jan 29 - Feb 11
- Mar 25 – Apr 7
- Jun 24 – Jul 7
- Sep 9 – Sep 22
- Dec 2 – Dec 15

Course D:
- Jan 29 - Feb 11
- Mar 25 – Apr 7
- Jun 24 – Jul 7
- Sep 9 – Sep 22
- Dec 2 – Dec 15

See more here